【Jumpstarter 1 minute】En-trak – When saving the earth is good for your bottom line

  • by Jumpstarter
  • Business
  • November 8, 2017

En-trak helps commercial buildings save money and the environment.

The company develops and sells Internet of Things solutions to help building management companies discover energy inefficiencies within their consumption pattern. The company’s smart energy solutions reduce costs and improve the comfort of workspaces and the efficiency of people working in them. This helps users make smarter business decisions based on the actionable intelligence we provide.

“We can see environmental problems are very real. So we hope that in our own small way we can do something to teach the public and the companies how to save energy and not waste it,” said Vincent Chow, Chief Executive Officer of En-trak.

Currently, over 250 customers in Asia use En-trak’s solutions. The company helps its customers to get the best from their building by improving efficiency and portfolio performance and reducing carbon emissions.

“We find that many companies are wasting electricity in general, but they often cannot tell where the waste is coming from. With our system, they can accurately discover the power consumption of the situation and in turn use this information to help them save money,” said Chow.

En-trak is operating with success in Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore and hopes to expand into China and the Middle East. For the China market, the company plans to set up a local office and not a branch office in order to deeply understand the needs of the market.

Moreover, when it comes to Asian consumers, the company focuses on the practical aspects of environmental protection in order to appeal to its Asian base.

“I think the most important thing is to understand the mentality of Asian consumers. We propose that the environmental program should be straightforward, practical, and deliver a tangible result,” said Chow.

Chow said that while competition is stiff in the industry, the entire team, whether it is product development or the features team, will deliberately think from the point of view of the customer to achieve practical and useful outcomes, rather than be driven by competitive pressure.

One challenge En-trak hopes to overcome is that of talent.

“I think one of the most difficult things is to recruit talent in Hong Kong or other markets. Finding the right person and offering the right benefits to entice them to join a startup is a major challenge for us,” said Chow.


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